School accreditation is an assessment of activities (assessment) schools systematically and comprehensively through the self-evaluation and external evaluation (to determine the feasibility of the vision and performance in school.
Basic Law school accreditation is: Law. 20 of 2003, Article 60, Government Regulation No.. 19 In 2005, Article 86 & 87 and Decree No Education. 87/U/2002.
The school aims for accreditation:
1. kelyakan determine the level of a school in the delivery of education
2. get an overview about the performance of schools
School accreditation functions are:
1. for knowledge, that is, in order to know how the feasibility of school performance & views from the various elements related to the quality of the books are developed based on indicators of good practice in school.
2. namely accountability for schools that can account for whether the services provided or to meet the aspirations of the people.
3. for the sake of development, namely that schools can conduct increased quality or development based on input from the results of accreditation.
Prinsi-accreditation principles, namely:
1. detached, objective information about the feasibility and performance of schools
2. effective, the results of accreditation to provide information that can be used as the basis for decisions.
3. comprehensive, covering various aspects and comprehensively.
4. memandirikan, schools can improve the quality beupaya says with the self-evaluation.
5. requirement (mandatory), accreditation is done for each school in accordance with school readiness.
Accreditation system has characteristics:
1. focus on the balance between reliability and performance of schools
2. kesimbangan between internal and external evaluation.
3. the balance between the formal determination of the rank and school improvement feedback.
Accreditation school implemented include:
1. Unit educational institutions (kindergarten, elementary, junior)
2. Vocational programs / Specific (SDLB, SMPLB SMIP SMK).
Accredited schools include an assessment of the nine components of the school, namely:
1. curriculum and teaching-learning process
2. administration and management of schools
3. organizational and institutional school
4. facilities and infrastructure
5. ketenagaan
6. financing
7. students
8. the role of the community
9. environment and culture school
each component described in some aspects. From each of the aspects described to the indicator. Based on indicators made items arranged in Self Evaluation Instruments and Instrument Visital.
Implemented through the accreditation procedure as follows:
1. Application request accreditation from the school.
2. Self-evaluation by schools
3. Management of the evaluation results
4. Visitasi by asesor
5. Determination results akrediatsi
6. issuance of certificates and accreditation reports.
In preparing for accreditation, the school perform the following steps:
1. School to apply for accreditation to the Accreditation Agency Province (report)-S / M to SLB, high schools, vocational schools and junior high school or to the Unit Accreditation Agency (Upa) District / City to kindergartens and primary schools of accreditation can be done by the school must obtain the approval or recommendation from the Office of Education.
2. After receiving the evaluation instrument, schools need to understand how to use instruments and perform self-evaluation. If not, schools can do to the consultation report, S / M on the implementation and use of these instruments.
3. Given the amount of data and information needed in the evaluation process itself is quite a lot, the charging instrument before the evaluation, needs to be done collecting the necessary documents as a source of information and data.
Implementing Accreditation School, among others:
1. National Accreditation Agency School / Madrasah (BAN-S / M).
2. Accreditation Agency Provincial School? Madrasah (BS / M)
3. Unit Accreditation Agency (Upa) District / City.
National Accreditation Agency School / Madrasah (BAN-S / M) is a body of strukturalyang non-technically independent and fropesionalyang consists of the elements of community organizations, education providers, universities, and relevant organizations, which have the authority to set policy, standards, systems, devices and nationally accredited. Agency Akrediatasi Province School / Madrasah (report-S / M) berkewenangan to implement the accreditation of junior high, high school, vocational and SLB. Sedangakn Unit Accreditation Agency (Upa) District / City berkewenangan implement accreditation for kindergarten and elementary school.
Results school accreditation form:
1. School Certificate of Accreditation
2. School profile, strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations.
School Accreditation lease is a letter stating the recognition and appreciation to the school on the status and feasibility of the school through the process of measuring and assessing the performance of the school component, school-based standards set BAN-BC to a certain level of education.
Asesor team reports the results of which make the results visitasi, verification notes, and formulate suggestions with the evaluation results will be processed by the BAN-S / M to set the final score and ranking of schools accredited in accordance with the real conditions in schools. The determination of the value end of the rank and akrediatasi done through the plenum BAN-BC accordance with the authority. Plenum determination of the final product must be accredited attended by at least fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) BAN-member BC. Value of accreditation kahir and the rank is also equipped with an explanation about the strengths and weaknesses of each component and aspect of accreditation, including suggestions for follow-up schools, the Office of Studies, and the Ministry of National Studies in order to increase the feasibility and lkinerja in the future. Qualitative explanation and suggestions should be referred to the findings and specific agara facilitate the school to the development and improvement of internal and related parties (government and local government offices and educational empowerment to do more to the construction of schools).
The period for accreditation for 4 years. Re-accreditation application 6 months before the validity expires. Re-accreditation for the improvement of at least 2 years since the set.