Monday 22 December 2008

The Soundtreck Laskar Pelangi

Ibet you've read the book and watch the movie. Some of you maybe have watched the movie more than once. Now it's time for you to listen to the cd.
Besides "laskar Pelangi" by NIDJI, which is specially composed as the soundtreck, the rest of the songs here are inspired by the movie. There is Sherina with "Ku Bahagia" inspired by Laskar Pelangi's spirit and gratitude for their friendship; NETRAL, who song "Lintang" a song of course inspired by Lintang; Gita Gutawa with "Tak Perlu Keliling Dunia," which talks about Ikal's feelings when the first time he saw Aling.
After reading the book and warching the movie, listening to the cd will make your Laskar Pelangi experience complete.

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